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01:26 18 / 11 / 2015

According to the provisional data, produced with the cooperationof the Turkish Statistical Institute and the Ministry of Customs and Trade, inJuly 2015; exports of Turkey were 11 billion 181 million dollars with a 16.2%decrease and imports were 18 billion 209 million dollars with a 8.7% decreasecompared with July 2014.

In the same month, Turkey foreign trade deficitincreased by 6.5% from 6 billion 596 million dollars to 7 billion 28 million dollars.

In July 2015, exports coverage imports was 61.4%, while it was66.9% in July 2014.

Seasonally and calendar adjusted exports increased by 0.1%,imports increased by 3.9% compared with previous month. Calendar adjustedexports decreased by 17.2%, imports decreased by 12.5% compared with July 2014.

As compared with the same month of the previous year, exports tothe EU-28 decreased by 13.8% from 6 billion 7 million dollars to 5 billion 176million dollars. The proportion of the EU countries was 46.3% in July 2015,while it was 45% in July 2014.

In July 2015, the main partner country for exports was Germany with 1billion 100 million dollars. Germanywas followed by the United Kingdom(810 million dollars), Iraq(630 million dollars) and the USA(605 million dollars).

In July 2015, the top country for Turkey’simports was China (2 billion86 million dollars), records for imports range from Germany(1 billion 980 million dollars), Russia(1 billion 706 million dollars) and Italy (1 billion 20 milliondollars).