If you have a question, you may find the answer in the following Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section. If you don’t find what you are looking for, please do not hesitate to contact us..
Q1.What is the difference among GCD (Global Customs Data), GBD (Global Bills Data), and GTS (Global Trade Statistics)?
GCD and GBD contain Company Names ( Importer, Exporter, Manufacturer, Notify Names). GTS does not contain Company Names.
GCD and GBD are searched by HS Code of the product. GBD is searched by keyword of the product.
Q2. Are all countries HS Code same? How can I find the HS Code for my product?
No, HS Code varies from Country to Country. But generally the first 6-digit HS Code is same for all countries.
You can search the HS Code of every country on our website: www.gTradeData.com
Q3. Are all countries trade data similar?
No, Trade Data varies from Country to Country. Some countries have quite unique information that is highly valuable for firms.
Q4. How often is your data updated? What is the time lag for the release of the data?
This depends on the reporting country and data type. Some such as US bills data is updated daily. Some is updated weekly. Most of customs data is updated monthly. On average, there is a time lag of 25 days.
Q5.Is Confidentiality in Global Trade Data a concern?
Several countries like Australia, Canada, Europe Union and others, restrict access to Global Customs Data with company names for reasons of confidentiality. But directory of importers and exporters are available.
Q6. Why is there a difference for the same commerce flow between the declaring country and the corresponding partner country? e.g. The quantity or value is not same.
Many reasons have been identified. The main reasons can be grouped into nine categories:
a) Quantity measurement: some countries report gross weights and some others report net weights.
b) Register instant: Due to the travel time, there is a gap between the export instant (origin country) and the import instant (destination country). As a consequence,
the monthly or year comparison could suffer a difference.
c) Trade systems: some countries use the special trade system (which excludes trade made in free zones), some others use the general trade system (which includes free zones).
d) Valuation: e.g. transportation and insurance costs are included in the reported import value (CIF: Cost Insurance Freight) but are excluded from the reported export value (FOB: Free On Board). The different practices in exchange rate policies could also cause differences, especially with strong variation situations.
e) Interpretation and classification of the products: Although the acceptance of the Harmonized System worldwide (more than 200 countries), there is differences in the interpretation. These cause inconsistencies of the statistics at product level.
f) Assignation of partner country: This could be especially complicated when are three countries: An origin country, a purchase country (different than the origin),and the destination country.
g) Re-export, re-import.
h) Coverage.
i) The gathering method of the data.
Q7. Which units of quantity are used in Global Trade Data?
Global Trade Data offers the following units:
Kilogram; Metric ton; Gram; Pound; Carat; Number of Item (Set); Unit; Thousand units; Million units; Number of packs; Pair; Dozens Meter; square meter; Thousands of square meters; Cubic meters; Liter; Kiloliter (kl); Milliliter(ml); Kilowatt hour; Megawatt hours., etc..
Kilogram is the mostly used quantity unit in Global Trade Data. However, some products cannot be expressed in Kilogram.
Q8. In China Trade Data, a few partner country is China. Why?
Re-import related to processing trade is partial reason. Some multinational enterprises, who have distribution centers in Hong Kong, often produce product in China, especially in Guangdong province. They exported these product to Hong Kong, and then re-imported in China. Goods entering for processing trade are exempted from import duties.
Q9. What are your Global Research Reports based on?
Generally, our research reports are based on the HS Codes. However, our research reports can also be custom-made by the demand of clients.
Q10. How to Contact us?
You can contact us on Website: www.gTradeData.com, by sending us an email, we will respond to you as soon as we can. Alternately, we have offices in Australia and China, the address and contact details are listed in Contact US.